Singing Guide: Disclosure feat. Sam Smith

Singing Guide: Disclosure feat. Sam Smith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Disclosure featuring Sam Smith is one of the most successful pop and electronic collaborations of all time. The British duo of Guy and Howard Lawrence and the British singer Sam Smith have a natural chemistry that has produced some of the most emotional and danceable hits in recent years. The Disclosure sound is characterized by a deep, intricate beat led by rhythms and earworm hooks, while Sam Smith's vocals are emotional, soaring, and vulnerable.

In this article, we will explore the different aspects of singing like Sam Smith and how to use Singing Carrots as a resource to learn his unique sound.

  • One of the most characteristic aspects of Sam Smith's singing style is his use of vibrato. Vibrato is a natural fluctuation of the pitch produced by the vocal cords that makes the voice sound warmer and more expressive. Sam Smith's vibrato is particularly wide, slow, and full, which gives his voice a unique quality that is instantly recognizable. To learn how to use vibrato like Sam Smith, Singing Carrots recommends practicing with the "Beggars Bounce" video. This exercise helps singers learn to control their vibrato by repeating simple scales and experimenting with slow and fast vibrato.
  • Another important aspect of Sam Smith's singing style is his use of falsetto. Falsetto is a technique that allows singers to produce a high-pitched, breathy sound, often associated with head voice. Sam Smith uses falsetto to add range and texture to his singing, and it is a key element of his signature sound. To learn how to use falsetto like Sam Smith, Singing Carrots recommends practicing the "Voice Break" and "Mixed Voice" exercises. These videos help singers learn to blend their head voice and chest voice to produce a seamless transition between the registers.
  • Finally, Sam Smith is known for his ability to convey deep emotions through his singing. His songs are often cathartic and soulful, and his voice reflects his personal experiences and struggles. To learn how to sing with emotion like Sam Smith, Singing Carrots recommends working on breath support, articulation, and resonance. The "Farinelli Breathing" and "Finger Bite" exercises can help singers improve their breath control and articulation. The "Resonance in Singing" and "Open Mouth and Throat" articles provide tips on how to improve the quality and warmth of the voice.

In conclusion, Sam Smith is a unique and talented singer with a powerful and expressive voice. Learning to sing like him takes time, dedication, and practice, but with the help of Singing Carrots, singers can access valuable tools, exercises and resources to develop their vocal skills and enhance their singing experience.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.